I am Kanaglakshmi
basketball player
Ms. A. Kanaglakshmi, a Spinal Cord injured, joined Amar Seva Sangam in 2010. Graduated from Alagappa University she learnt life skills courses; played at the state and national levels in wheelchair basketball; won 4 gold and 2 silver medals. Winner of several awards, she is working in a company in Chennai. She selected in Indian wheelchair basketball team for the camp at Jammu Kashmir.

I am Rajeshwaran
Chartered Accountant
A calm, self-assured young man Mr. S. Rajeshwaran met with a road traffic accident in 2003 and sustained cervical spinal cord injury due to which he was fully bed ridden without any movement below his neck. His condition was hopeless. In 2009 he came to Amar Seva Sangam, received specialized rehabilitation. His physical condition improved and he started using wheelchair. After completion of his graduation through the Sangam, under the guidance of his Role Model Mr. Sankara Raman, Hon. Secretary, Amar Seva Sangam, he pursued Chartered Accountancy and qualified as Chartered Accountant in April, 2021. Currently he is working in Amar Seva Sangam as Chief Accountant. He married Mrs. Paramakalyani, computer software developer in Sangam in July, 2018 which is a turning point in his life making it more meaningful.

I am Lakshmanan
basketball player
Mr. Lakshmanan, 24 years, is from Kokkirakulam, Tirunelveli. He fell from a tree and sustained injury to the spinal cord and was paralyzed below hip and lost sensation. He was admitted in our Post-Acute Care Centre for spinal injured in 2015. He underwent Medical and Vocational Rehabilitation at Sangam and completed MS Office, DTP, Typewriting and Home Appliances. He finished Bachelor Degree in Commerce in Satyabama University at Chennai. He has been playing wheelchair basketball from 2017 in various level competitions for Tamil Nadu. He participated in the international level competition at Thailand in 2017. So far, he has participated in 5 state level competitions and secured Winner Award 4 times and got “Best 2 point player award” in Coimbatore state level competition in April 2019.He also got three times Best Player and currently he is leading the Vellore Basket Ball Team.